How to Get Funding for Your Dallas/Fort Worth Investment Property

Funding for investment property is available from conventional lenders, and some private investors may be willing to help you get started. However, as with all investments, you should always weigh your risks. If you arere looking for guidance on financing to help you grow your real estate portfolio, read on as we explore how to … Continued

The Pros and Cons of Real Estate Investment Trusts for Investors in Dallas/Fort Worth

Real estate investment trusts (REITs) generate income from investment properties from multiple market sectors they own and manage. Generally, publicly-traded REITs make it easy for investors to enter the market. There are two types of REITs; mortgage REITs, comprised of residential and commercial properties, and more diversified equity REITs. When you invest in a REIT … Continued

4 Things You Should Know About Buying Your First Investment Property in Dallas/Fort Worth

If you’re ready for your investment portfolio to grow, adding real estate as another asset class can protect your wealth through careful diversification among several sectors of the Dallas/Fort Worth real estate market. In addition, when properly managed, investment property provides a steady income stream that tends to keep pace with inflation to carry you … Continued